By Sam Agona
22nd, 2015 saw UNFPA Uganda, UNICEF Uganda and DFID UK come together
for a common cause; advocating for the ending of female genital mutilation,
child and forced marriages in Uganda. While this phenomenon sounds more of a
rural problem, several testimonies were recorded from urban areas too. Numerous
indications of challenges faced by the girl child were made by teenagers who
attended the summit however the girls were only a handful fraction of girls who face several
challenges in Uganda.
girls like the pictured are at highly at risk (Photo Credit: UNICEF Uganda)
Rachael Ninsiima notes, in Uganda, less than 1% of girls who give birth
below 18, do attain a university degree by age 30; a trend that also affects
their children’s education cycle. About 60% of children born to teen mothers
earn elementary education compared to 80% of children of later child bearers.
Judith mentioned that child and forced marriages are as a result mistreatment
from step-mothers making young girls go out to look for comfort; Jolly echoed
that bad peer groups cause girls to think they are in love yet they (girls) are
still young; Sheila on the other hand, resonated that poverty has a great deal
in promoting child marriage, because men contribute financially to the girl's
family. On a conservative note, one girl disparaged that culture was giving
parents a leeway to marry off girls at young age, further contextualizing it by
citing that girls of Indian heritage were married off to ensure they commit to
one man while young.
Author however, thinks young girls
are pushed out of school to marry early as an alternate means to the tedious
schooling/ education process in Uganda. According to ANPPCAN 2010, enrollment rates in primary schools stood at 97.1%, dropout rates stood at 67.6% of the
enrolled percentage; with girl child secondary enrolment at a paltry 21%. Further
disparaging is the prevalence of corporal punishment in several schools
regardless of government ban in 2011, thus some form of institutionalized
violence meted against school going teenagers by both teachers and parents,
making school undesirable.
Uganda, Leah Kalanguka
speaking words of inspiration to young girls (Photo Credit: UNICEF Uganda)
to Uwezo 2010, only 4% of P.3 pupils could read a P.2 level story fluently,
showing how challenging education is to some pupils. This forces girls to look
for easy options in marriage; partly accounting for 7,564 defilement cases
reported in Uganda Annual Crime and Crime Report, 2010. The rise in child abuse
rates has been aggravated by an inverse in prosecution rates. Markedly, out of
the defilement cases reported to police in 2010, only 3,401 (45%) were taken to
court, leaving a total of 4,163 (55%) cases either dropped or not followed up.
recalling is that, the MDGs 2015 planned for girl children and women generally.
As a signatory to Beijing Platform of Action
following the 54th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women of March 2nd, 2010, Uganda is
committed to not only promoting but also achieving MDG.3, promotion of gender
equality and women empowerment. Women cannot be strong figures in society when
girl children are being violated by parties supposed to protect them. The
National Development Plan of Uganda spells out a set of cultural practices and
perceptions that are negative towards girls’ elevation.
telling their story using music dance and drama joined by Minister Karoro
Okurut (Photo Credit: UNFPA Uganda)
the NDP, gender based violence continues to be a major concern in rural Uganda.
According to Sexual and Reproductive
Health Report, 2013
at least 59% of women who have ever been married experience some form of
physical or sexual violence. Women comprise about 70% agricultural population, they experience unequal access
to, and control over, productive resources, notably land, limiting their
ability to raise productivity and move out of subsistence agriculture. Such a
situation is exacerbated in circumstances where young women are forcefully
married to men; they are void of bargaining power to own any resources,
creating a vicious circle of an uncouth situation.
perpetuations are what UNFPA Uganda, UNICEF Uganda and DFID UK are out to
fight. To that end, Sustainable Development Goals need to prioritize the girl
child to create end to this uncouth cycle.