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Thursday, 26 March 2015

A year after: Revisiting 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa

By Sam Agona

It is one year since Ebola broke out in West Africa and this piece in the New Vision gives a view on state of the Health Systems in West Africa prior to the outbreak and how the response behaved. 

An Ebola Care Centre constructed in Liberia as a response strategy

A woman showing signs of Ebola stretched off to an Ebola Care Center in Liberia

As a communication strategy, a salon car being used to inform people about Ebola (Photo by CDC Global)

An Ebola Travel Questionnaire used at entry point by countries to prevent the spread of Ebola into other countries.

In Sierra Leone, hand washing was emphasized by scaling access to washing equipment

                                   Posters used in West Sierra Leone to inform people about Ebola

 A member of the Ebola response team being disinfected as they remove their protective equipment

Boots used by Ebola team response group, part of their Protective Equipment washed and spread to dry. 

A rapid diagnostic tool for Ebola that was initially tested in Guinea; at the peak of infection, diagnosis was taking up to days, this did not only make treatment a challenge but once an Ebola suspect showed signs of infection, delay in testing meant they stayed infectious for longer periods and yet not proved.

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